Your Company, Your Clan
10x Business Growth

Leverage the power of your company community to boost LinkedIn publications reach.

ZERO REACTIONS on LinkedIn posts is over

Enable your Clan to automaticaly interact with your posts, while empowering them to monitor all their interactions

Boost your LinkedIn reach by 10x

Auto growth in your LinkedIn marketing strategy.

Simple and Fair Pricing

The easiest way to boost your immediate LinkedIn reach. Invite your Clan and progressively witness the impact on your publications.

$ 1
99 per user
  • 30 days trial
  • Analytics
  • Add/remove members anytime
  • Cancel anytime
$ 1
66 per user
  • 30 days trial
  • Analytics
  • Add/remove members anytime
  • Cancel anytime
2 free months 🎁

Ready to Boost Your LinkedIn Marketing?

Get started with ClanBond today.

What Our Customers Say

Join the many businesses boosting their LinkedIn marketing with ClanBond.

We manage multiple LinkedIn accounts and when we started testing ClanBond the impact on the publications' reach was so significant that we adopted it to all our clients companies. In some of the larger accounts the impact was around 20 times higher reach.
Bernie Faro, CEO @ Wanda
I used to feel embarrassed when some of our LinkedIn posts had zero interactions, which sometimes even made me doubt whether or not we should post something. With ClanBond that never happened again! Our colleagues automatically engage with it at different times, which boosts the reach and consequently triggers more interaction and business opportunities.
Eric Campbel, CEO @ Vinniyard


ClanBond is as simple and powerful as it seams.

Just check the % of your employees that usually engages with your content. The lower that % the higher ClanBond impact will be

You pay per license/team-members invited. However, at any point in time you can replace or delete invited team-members which will directly update your plan

Yes, you can cancel before every month or year ends, depending on the pricing model you selected